πŸ“‘Ducky Platfom

What is a ducky platform and why would you like it?

There are many services and platforms that provide similar features as we do, but they are scattered all over the Internet.

We value user comfort and time, so we have gathered a lot of functionality in one place. In addition to what we have now, we will expand it, adding more and more features, our project for years to come.

Let's look at a couple of examples:

You want to draw a picture and make it in NFT. To do that now, you have to go through a whole quest... Find a neural network that draws you a picture, register with it. Then you have to transfer this picture to another platform, create a nft with it, and pay a commission for it several times. This takes a lot of time.

In Ducky, you get ready nft in your wallet.

You do not want a nft? You just want to play with neuronet? Ask it questions in the text, or let it draw for you? Well, there is such a possibility, and it's absolutely free.

Or another example:

You want to participate in the IDO, but you do not have coins in the desired network in which the project collects, but there are in the other. You'll have to go find the bridge or transfer them through the exchange, this may take considerable time and your money to pay unnecessary commissions.

You can exchange coins through multiswap, and participate in the IDO in one place.

Let's look at the third example of convenient and easy to use:

Projects that will run on our IDO platform will be able to host staking with us, and you as a user get a convenient and trusted way to place purchased coins into staking, all in one place.

Of course, that's not all we're prepared to offer you, but even these small examples are enough to understand the convenience you get with us.

The attentive reader will say, where is your description of the game and the nft-market? I saw you on the first page about it! Don't worry there's a whole section devoted to the game and there's a detailed description.

Let's move on and look at each tool individually.

Last updated