Ducky A.I.
A.I.'s future in games
Last updated
A.I.'s future in games
Last updated
There is a chance that you might think, "Why do we need your A.I. to draw pictures", many neural networks can do it now.
And you would be right.
Yes, our neural network can really draw pictures or nft at your request, or even talk to you. But our A.I. was conceived long before it became mainstream, and not to draw pictures.
As you already know we have an open-world MMORPG online game.
NPC algorithms are always programmed, he will not play against you, or with you better or worse, he will be useful or dangerous exactly as much as his code allows. And dialogues in games in general in most cases are boring and monotonous, even in those games where it seems that the dialogues with the NPC should be at a high level, you and I understand that this is not the case.
Would you and I play an online game where your opponent has not just his or her code laid down, but the ability to learn - battles or dialogues? Behave in a non-standard and unpredictable way, NPC will talk like a real person, and not put it in two or three phrases... it would incredibly change the whole gameplay, would make it more interesting and varied!
Of course everyone has their own list and it can go on for a long time, but now we are not arguing about tastes, and find the similarities between these legendary and loved by millions and millions of gamers games. Dialogues with NPC at a minimal level, and somewhere even absent, most of the opponents are not difficult to defeat and it quickly becomes boring ... a familiar feeling? Yes and it's familiar to us because we love games, we understand them, and yes...